How .BANK addresses the Cybersecurity Problem

We’re all aware of ongoing cybersecurity problems these days. Who hasn’t received a suspicious phishing email or link that if clicked could end up turning over your personal information and passwords to criminals? Almost no domain extension is completely safe from this and other forms of abuse. Many consumers are not completely aware of how to protect themselves or what trust signals to look for when doing business online.
The vast increase in demand for digital products and services, especially as a result of the pandemic, was not lost among the founders or the .bank domain extension. Just as .edu is only for schools, and .gov is only for .government, .bank is only for verified banks.
It’s super restricted and has layers of cybersecurity requirements for its registrants. Watch or listen to our latest podcast episode, and learn more about the .bank story, and how they are making the internet a safer place for banks and their customers.