Announcing iQ Abuse Scan

Over the past few months, our team has been working hard at putting the finishing touches on a brand new iQ product, iQ Abuse Scan.
Not everyone needs a case management and automation platform like iQ Abuse Manager. So, iQ Abuse Scan was born out of requests from the industry and the recognition that many organisations simply need to augment their current internal systems with threat intelligence data.
iQ Abuse Scan is a subscription based, pay as you use service that monitors multiple resources at once for malicious activities, and instantly reports on them when identified.
Resources such as:
- Domain names
- IP addresses
- Mail Servers
- Name Servers
Reports are delivered in ways to fit in with your existing processes. By email, text message or web hook. The reports are provided in HTML, plain text or JSON.
API access is included as well of course!
iQ Abuse Scan is built on the same robust platform as iQ Abuse Manager and uses its powerful analyser engine and reporting automation.
From the iQ Abuse Scan interface, you can :
- Manage the resources you want to monitor
- Manage notification settings
- Manage users
- Control which threat categories to monitor
- White-list domains
- and more…
Based on a simple pay as you use subscription model, each plan comes with a set number of reports. The user is only billed when they receive a report. One abuse report equals one "credit", and unused reports roll over to the following month.
Making it perfect for:
- organisations with low abuse rates
- organisations who want to add monitoring to their current efforts
- web agencies
- developers
So, without further ado, we invite you to check out iQ Abuse Scan now!
Setting up an account takes only a few minutes. You can start for free and pick a subscription later.
No credit card required!