Insight into Domain Abuse with iQ Abuse Report

Domain Name (or DNS) Abuse is a hot topic in basically any and all domain industry conferences right now. There are groups, coalitions, and foundations forming all over the map. Discussions are happening on all levels, be it about responsibility, policy, definitions, or best practices.
However, something that is still lacking is access to insights.
Yes, Yes... There are different types of service providers that can help a Registry, Registrar or Registrant identify and potentially act against various types of domain name abuse. Our iQ Abuse Manager is one such service used by more than 150 different domain industry actors.
But is this the first step? How do you go about discovering that you, your company, or your provider have a problem with domain name abuse?
You might be in luck, hearing from a concerned customer, a random do-good individual, or one of the services mentioned earlier. But should it be done to luck?
The short answer? No! The long answer: Still No! But, now offers free insights through iQ Abuse Report to help you with that!
You can subscribe to iQ Abuse Reports based on a Top-Level Domain, a set of Name Servers, or just a bunch of Domain Names. Gain insights into if you have a problem with Domain Name Abuse, and if so, what type of abuse, now and every day going forward, for free!
At iQ, we have access to a high-quality set of vetted threat intelligence feeds, which we further analyse and filter to create the iQ Abuse Feed (more on this soon)! Above and beyond what our source feeds tell us, we also fetch and distill additional data from publicly available sources, like the DNS.
Together, this data represents a unique view into the landscape of Domain Name Abuse, where relationships between abuse reports and DNS data like name servers and IP-addresses create tangible tracks to follow.
iQ Abuse Reports, being built on publicly available data, have no limitations. With a subscription, we let anyone submit any Top-Level Domain, any set of Name Servers, or any domain name and instantly determine if the data points match any reported Domain Name Abuse.
In other words, for absolutely zero charge and with no obligation, you can gain insight into if you have a problem with Domain Name Abuse. Sound interesting? Subscribe to the customised report that suits you today, and let us know what you think!