iQ 2nd Quarter 2021 Activity Summary

We were just a bit busy over the past three months, with launching free abuse reports, introducing new features to both Abuse Manager and Domain Analytics as well as new interviews in our video and podcast series.
Abuse Stats - Free Abuse Reports

We were very excited to launch our service in April. Utilizing our curated abuse sources and data, it's designed to allow anyone to instantly gain insight as to whether they or someone else has a problem with domain name abuse.
When we speak to industry contacts and others outside of the industry, we often hear them ask, how much of an abuse problem do I have? Hence the free iQ Abuse Report allows anyone to be able to receive reports on a daily or weekly basis, and share them with others. Anyone can submit any list of TLDs, name servers, IP addresses, or list of domain names, and receive a report in minutes.
Abuse Manager Updates
Use Ruleset Event and Reactions to Automate Case Management

Ruleset for Abuse Manager is an event and reaction-based tool that automates tasks that would otherwise have to be handled by a person, taking up time and resources. Ruleset allows you to set up notifications or integrations with Abuse Manager to make handling abuse more efficient, and potentially integrate with external systems.
Improved DNS Lookup with IP / AS information.
In a small but heavily requested update to the Abuse Manager DNS Lookup tool, we now report on AS Number and Organisation for each resolved IP address. This information tells the abuse agent who is responsible for an IP address. The information is a crucial part of establishing who is actually hosting the content of the website and its domain name.
Domain Take Down

Do you need assistance to stop abusive domains? In June, we launched our new iQ Domain TakeDown service where our Senior Abuse Policy Advisers will take down abusive or infringing domains. This service is available for iQ Abuse Manager customers through their case view, or to anyone via our website. Read more
Send Abuse Notification Emails directly from iQ Abuse Manager

We have been asked by several customers if they can send abuse reports directly to registrars from the iQ Abuse Manager. In response to this request, we now allow customers to add their email server to iQ Abuse Manager, enabling them to send out emails that contain abuse report information to whomever they wish to inform about a case of abuse.
This new option will automatically appear in the case view if you have set up an SMTP-server in the Abuse Manager Settings. It will automatically insert the registrar abuse email address from Whois into your defined email template. All fields can be modified, including the recipient, subject, and message. Read more
Malware Patrol

We are pleased to announce that we have integrated Malware Patrol as one of our Threat Intelligence feeds.
Malware Patrol is a well-known and respected source of abuse data that has a robust network of sensors, sharing agreements, and community contributors. Malware Patrol reports now contribute to the existing categories Malware, Phishing, and Botnet, and is the first Threat Intelligence Feed to add reports in our Generated Domains (DGA) category. Read more
Domain Analytics Updates
We have made a number of updates to the Dashboard and the Date Range report as we continue to improve the usability of the charts and tables in Domain Analytics.

Registrar Include & Exclude Filters: This allows the report to be shown with all registrars, or selected Registrars to include or exclude.
Improved Transactions Over Time Chart: now loads much faster and is easier to use. Data series can be turned on or off by clicking the legend, and zoomed by clicking and dragging the mouse cursor over the chart.
Dashboard update: includes improved charts for "Transaction volume by month", "Transactions over time" and "Domains Under Management over time".
New Online video interviews & podcasts

Five months ago we launched our video blog/interview series, featuring experts sharing their stories and insight on relevant topics that many of us deal with in our day-to-day tasks, along with overarching topics facing the industry. And two months ago we launched the corresponding iQ Podcast, giving you a choice to listen to the same content via your favorite podcast app.

Premium Domain Names | A .cloud & European perspective
Shaun Wilkinson discusses the development and brokering of premium domain name inventory from a registry operator point of view, specifically his experience as Head of Premium Names at .cloud, and how the pandemic and cloud computing sector is affecting naming trends.

I&JPN Toolkit: DNS Level Action to Address Abuses
Elizabeth Behsudi, the Director of the Domains & Jurisdiction Program, and Secretariat at the I&JPN Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network (I&JPN) discusses their new toolkit to help address DNS (domain name system) abuse.

iQ Abuse Report Overview &
LG Forsberg, our CTO, gives us an overview of - our service that is designed to allow anyone to gain daily insight into their domain name abuse.

How Spamhaus addresses DNS Abuse
A wide-ranging interview with Carel Bitter, Head of Data at Spamhaus. Carel speaks about domain name abuse from a Spamhaus perspective and how the DBL is used.

Managing Domain Name Abuse, with expert Steinar Grøtterød
Steinar Grøtterød is the Director of Registry Operations & Compliance at iQ and our resident expert on domain name abuse. Steinar talks about best practices in managing domain name abuse.

A conversation with, Mr. Mark Ghoriafi
Mark shares how he got into the domain name industry, and how he uses data and other assets to help him sell premium domain names.
We are pleased by the feedback to our interviews, and always open to topic and interviewee suggestions!